“’Tried your FreeSpace today. Horse loves the Split Elegance and moves lovely so it would have to be significantly better to order one.
Warmed up in the Elegance, went lovely. Put FreeSpace on. Yes, he went well but not massively. He was warmed up and flowing. Put him back in the Elegance. Might as well have put a W***** on him! Flat, seemingly tired. Got his mojo back after a lengthen up the long side in canter. As Louisa said. He’s not fit, he’s fed up stop starting so… So I annoyed him even more by putting FreeSpace back on. Well! Lifted his tail, lowered his pert little bottom and off he went! It was as though we needed to let him try back and forth so he could decide. And decide he did. So he’s going to have a FreeSpace with his show saddle.
I was somewhat surprised by the result I have to say.” Zara