NAGGA is a discrete device that actively monitors your riding position.

Easily attached to your boot, hat or arm. NAGGA will buzz or vibrate when it detects that your position is incorrect, helping you to self-correct whether you're schooling or riding out .
When you look down, your shoulders slouch forward, your lower leg comes back, your balance shifts forward and your horse can end up on the forehand and downhill.

Good arm position and balanced hands are vital to creating a good outline and contact. Conversely, bad arm and hand position will cause horses to become over-bent behind the vertical or throw their heads up, and lose the contact.

Your lower leg is your key riding 'aid', consciously knowing where your lower leg is positioned is therefore vital to good communication with your horse.

Do you look down, hunch your shoulders, put your leg too far back or forwards, or drop your arms?

NAGGA isn't just for you. Does your horse have a tendency to over-bend or throw their head up? Is your horse 'crooked', on the forehand or behind the bit?

Subtle changes in your riding position can not only influence your balance, but your horse's way of going.

NAGGA will immediately (after 2 second delay) alert you by vibrating or buzzing, helping you to correct your position and instantly improve your riding.

Many of these issues can be improved with better leg position, by sitting up and being more balanced in the saddle, and in your hands and arms.

NAGGA actively monitors your riding position without the need for a trainer on the ground.
1 - Spur bar
2 - Strap for ankle attachment
3 - Nagga unit and cradle combined
4 - 2 x AA batteries
5 - Velcro straps for helmet
6 - Velcro straps for arm attachment

The Nagga comes with a cradle to which you can attach different means of attachment straps. There is a Velcro strap for a hat.

A Velcro strap for the arm.

A Velcro strap for the stirrup type bar for the ankle.